Sunday, September 30, 2007 @3:47 AM
is same-sex marriage a practical consideration in this age of globalisation?same-sex marriage, also known as homosexual marriage, gay marriage, gender-neutral marriage and equal marriage, is defined by wikipedia as a term for a governmentally, socially or religiously recognized marriage in which two people of the same sex live together as a family. this marriage is presently available to same-sex couples in seven countries, namely the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, South Africa, Spain, the U.S states of Massachusetts and in dispute in Iowa as of early September 2007. also, Canada and Spain are the only countries where the legal status of same-sex marriage is exactly the same as that of opposite-sex marriage, though South Africa is due to fully harmonize its marriage laws. other nations all have residency requirements that apply to same-sex marriage that do not apply to opposite-sex marriage.
in this present time and age, there are many children around the world - orphans, to be exact - who are in need of a proper family, in need to be loved. and at the same time, gay parents are worrying and fretting over losing their children due to what the world perceives - that children would not be brought up well under the hands of gay parents. this has been proven to be false as most studies have found that outcomes for children of gay and lesbian parents are no better - and no worse - than for other children (Post-Gazette, 10 june 2007). so why not allow same-sex marriages and give these orphans a proper home? by allowing same-sex marriages to have the same parenting priviledge as heterosexual marriages, we would be opening up an option that would change the lives of orphans around the world- to allow them to have loving parents just like any other child as the number of available adoptive homes for these orphans would significantly increase.
furthermore, one might argue that having same-sex parents are not among the optimum environment of growing up as a child. however, as stated in the example above, the outcomes for children of gay and lesbian parents are no better and no worse then for other children. furthermore, some studies have even showed that single heterosexual parents' children have more difficulties than children who have parents of the same sex. also, the children of lesbian couples have shown to be less aggressive, more nurturing to peers, more tolerant of diversity, and more inclined to play with both boy's and girl's toys. (WebMD Medical News, 12 october 2005). thus, gay parents can raise children just like normal parents do, sometimes even better, showing that their sexual orientation does not affect the way their children are brought up.
however, because the society has been promoting same-sex marriages as ludicrous, people are uncomfortable with the idea of same sex marriages. thus, gay marriages only create controversies, causing more to turn aganist the idea of same-sex marriages. many do not accept gay marriages as they believe that it is immoral. furthermore, gays cause people to create a stereotype that they are promiscuous, and that they are unable to form lasting relationships, and the relationships that do form are shallow and uncommitted. more than half of all people in the United States oppose gay marriage, even though three fourths are otherwise supportive of gay rights. this means that many of the same people who are even passionately in favor of gay rights also oppose gays on this one issue. hence, same-sex marriages is not a practical consideration in this age of globalisation as many are against it.
also, gay marriages violate many religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism. opponents often claim that extending marriage to same-sex couples will undercut the conventional purpose of marriage as interpreted by cultural, religious, and traditional understanding. furthermore, they argue that same-sex marriage cannot fulfill common procreational roles, and/or sanctions a partnership that is centered around sexual acts that their respective religion prohibits. James Dobson has stated in
Marriage Under Fire and elsewhere, that legalization or even tolerance of same-sex marriage would redefine the family, damage traditional family unions, and lead to an increase in the number of homosexual couples.
in conclusion, i believe that same sex marriages is a practical consideration in this age of globalisation, since it is not harmful in any way. however, if it were to be accepted, i believe there should be a limit to it. furthermore, it should be dependent on the country's stand against ie if a country is strongly against same-sex marriages, it should be prohibited to prevent social unrest in the country.